Waste Requirements for Green Buildings

UBC has a number of waste requirements which align with the goals and targets of the Green Building Action Plan. These include guidelines and standards for recycling infrastructure, construction and demolition waste, and waste tracking.

Recycling Infrastructure for Buildings

To allow conformance with UBC’s waste management programs and regional waste disposal bylaws, UBC buildings must make provisions for indoor recycling stations, rather than stand-alone garbage receptacles, in addition to providing the necessary facilities for storage and loading of waste and recycling. Requirements and options for recycling stations can be found in the Recycling Infrastructure Guidelines for UBC Buildings.

Construction and Demolition Waste

UBC seeks to reduce waste from all demolition, construction and renovation projects by optimizing material use, reducing waste generated, and increasing waste diversion. For more information, consult our resources on Simple Steps for Demolition and Construction Waste Diversion.

Current versions of LEED and REAP should be consulted for waste diversion requirements on those projects. The goal for other non-LEED/REAP projects (including small to medium size renovation projects) as per the Technical Guidelines is to divert at least 75% of construction and demolition waste from disposal. This is now readily achievable in most projects, and can often have economic benefits.

Waste Tracking

All projects need to track the amount of waste and diversion achieved via project submittals, as per the Technical Guidelines. Projects can use the following templates to easily track project waste and create simple waste management plans.

The Excel spreadsheet template provides a package of all C&D waste templates that can be filled out electronically. These electronic templates are recommended over paper templates, as they provide automatic calculations.

Alternatively, the following individual PDF templates can also be printed and filled out by hand: