Green Building Action Plan

Living wall at CIRS

The Green Building Action Plan (GBAP) is a policy framework that outlines the pathway for academic and residential buildings at the UBC Vancouver campus to advance towards making net positive contributions to human and natural systems by 2035. 

Download the UBC Green Building Action Plan (PDF)

Green Building Requirements

Learn more about how the plan is structured and the process for implementing (follow the drop links below). 

For both institutional and residential buildings, the GBAP provides ambitious goals, targets and actions in eight distinct but interrelated component areas: energy, water, materials and resources, biodiversity, health and wellbeing, quality, climate adaptation, and place and experience.

GBAP outline


Actions within each of the 8 component areas of the GBAP are sorted, with highest-priority actions intended to be completed within five years (short term). The actions follow a structured cycle of research, benchmarking, piloting, implementation and monitoring to help inform policy and enable continuous improvement of UBC buildings. 

  1. Research and review to advance knowledge of the component area through staff reviews of international best practices, academic research projects and consultant work.
  2. Benchmark and develop metrics to establish standards of measurement for the component area and set levels of performance.
  3. Pilot new approaches and installations to test, learn and inform the development of policy and practices.
  4. Implement policy and practices to put the experiences of steps 1 to 3 into action and introduce new policy or strengthen existing policy.
  5. Monitor and evaluate to learn from experience and encourage continuous improvement in UBC’s buildings.
GBAP research cycle