Research and Reports

UBC carefully tracks and reports on how the campus is progressing towards its transportation targets. Read below to learn more about UBC Transportation Status Reports and other background reports.

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Annual Transportation Status Reports summarize transportation patterns and statistics and compares them to our baseline year of 1997 to track how the campus is performing on the three target areas from the 2014 UBC Transportation Plan. These three target areas are:

  • Sustainable transportation
  • Single occupant vehicles, and
  • Daily private automobile traffic.

We conduct and commission background reports on various transportation issues to and around campus. Examples include parking, carpooling, development guidelines, and cycling infrastructure. This research helps us develop policies and deliver programs which are appropriate and effective to our strategic initiatives.

Student research projects on transportation at UBC can be found in the SEEDS Sustainability Library.

Transportation Status Reports

The annual Transportation Status Report presents the most recent data which UBC has collected on transportation patterns and statistics. The report provides a picture of overall travel trends, as well as details of travel patterns for each mode of transportation. Data are also provided regarding on-campus transportation conditions.

Status ReportFile              
2023 Transportation Status ReportDownload [PDF - 1MB/31 pages]
2022 Transportation Status ReportDownload [PDF - 1MB/33 pages]
2021 Transportation Status ReportDownload [PDF - 1.4MB/36 pages]
2020 Transportation Status ReportDownload [PDF - 1.6MB/35 pages]
2019 Transportation Status ReportDownload [PDF - 1.7MB/42 pages]
2018 Transportation Status ReportDownload [PDF - 2.2MB/45 pages]
2017 Transportation Status ReportDownload [PDF - 1.8MB/37 pages]
2016 Transportation Status ReportDownload [PDF - 2.2MB/41 pages]
2015 Transportation Status ReportDownload [PDF - 2.2MB/37 pages]
2014 Transportation Status ReportDownload [PDF - 2.3MB/37 pages]
2013 Transportation Status ReportDownload [PDF - 2MB/36 pages]
2012 Transportation Status ReportDownload [PDF - 7656KB/41 pages]
2011 Transportation Status ReportDownload [PDF - 6563KB/36 pages]
2010 Transportation Status ReportDownload [PDF - 1178KB/35 pages]
2009 Transportation Status ReportDownload [PDF - 644KB/35 pages]
2008 Transportation Status ReportDownload [PDF - 586KB/31 pages]
2007 Transportation Status ReportDownload [PDF - 359KB/29 pages]

Background Reports

Campus + Community Planning conducts and commissions background research on various transportation issues on and to campus. Examples include parking, carpooling, development guidelines, and cycling infrastructure. This research helps us develop policies and deliver programs which are appropriate and effective.


West 16th Avenue Studies

November 2011: Pedestrian Overpass Study

October 21, 2011: Wesbrook Place Traffic Analysis of Redistributed Dwelling Units

February 6th, 2006: Roundabout Consultation Report


Off-Campus On-Street Parking Study

March 2011

An Off-Campus on-Street Parking study was conducted in March 2011 in order to better understand the impacts of non-residential users, including UBC students, who may be parking on residential streets in communities adjacent to the UBC campus.


U-Pass 18-month Review

May 2005
This study was conducted in partnership with UBC, the AMS, SFU, SFSS, and TransLink to identify how U-Pass Programs can be enhanced to better meet the needs of students, universities, and TransLink, in addition to informing the development of potential future U-Pass programs.