Go By Bike Week Fall 2024 has ended! Thank you for participating, and see you in 2025!
Whether you’re a regular cyclist or a novice, Go by Bike Week (formerly known as Bike to Work Week) is a great way to get healthy while reducing your carbon footprint. This event takes place twice every year, once in the spring and once in the fall.
Go by Bike Week aims to get more people to cycle more often. During the week-long event, HUB Cycling encourages people to get out and ride their bikes anywhere and everywhere, and shares resources like maps to equip them with the knowledge they need to cycle for transportation.
Go by Bike Week is also known for its Celebration and Community Stations! At Celebration Stations, participants can win awesome prizes, get free bike checks from local mechanics, and pick up free snacks! These stations are hosted by bike-friendly businesses and organizations and can be found across Metro Vancouver. Get biking and visit them all!
Visit the HUB Cycling website to register yourself or your team. Need help registering? See this step-by-step guide on how to register.
To encourage friendly competition and recognize our cycling champions at UBC. The top teams with five or more team members will be recognized based on the following categories:
- Most New Riders
- Most Kilometres Cycled
- Highest Average Kilometres Cycled
So grab some friends and enjoy the ride!
Check out these great cycling resources available for the UBC community: