Major neighbourhood (non-institutional) projects are located in UBC neighbourhoods that significantly impact the built environment. Projects include housing, commercial and community buildings, or significant new public realm projects such as new parks or trails.
Learn more about the Development Permit (DP) application process for major neighbourhood, or non-institutional, projects below:
Step 1: C&CP Start-up Meeting with Project Manager/Developer and Design Team
- Application and approval process
- Application submission requirements
- Contextual and design issues/guidelines
- Planning policy (Land Use Plan, Neighbourhood Plan, Development Handbook)
- Sustainability expectations
- Utility requirements and encumbrances
- Roadway and access issues
- Project challenges/issues
- Key processing dates and submission requirements for: Advisory Urban Design Panel, Development Review Committee, Development Permit Board
Step 2: Advisory Urban Design Panel - Preliminary
- Distribution of project proposal package to Panel members
- University Architect’s comments and presentation of project by proponent/design team
- Questions and discussion by Panel members
- Comments from Panel members and summary by Chair (non-voting)
Step 3: Development Permit Application Received from Developer
- Confirm documentation complete and fees received
- Circulate to relevant departments/agencies
- Prepare departmental evaluation based on plans/policies/regulations
Step 4: Development Review Committee
- Presentation of project by project manager and design team
- Questions/comments from members
- Issues to be resolved/identified
- Minutes prepared
- Comments contribute to conditions for project review and DP
Step 5: Public Notice
- Install onsite DP application sign(s) noting Open House date and place
- Post application on Campus + Community Planning (C+CP) website
- Circulate notice by email to list-serve stakeholders (including University Neighbourhoods Association, owners and strata chairs)
- Notify owners and lessees by mail within a minimum of 30 meters (wider distribution if required) distance from site boundary
- Publish advertisement (Vancouver Courier/Ubyssey newspapers)
Step 6: Public Open House
- Held in convenient location close to development site
- Display of DP Drawings and scale model
- Proponent representatives attend to answer project questions/receive input
- Design team representatives attend to answer questions/receive input
- UBC staff attend to answer process/policy questions and receive feedback
- Sign-up sheets to confirm attendance
- Feedback forms to document comments; additional feedback received by email and online
- Public consultation may be expanded at discretion of C+CP
Step 7: Advisory Urban Design Panel – Final Application
- Distribution of project proposal package and U Architect Report to Panel members 10 days in advance
- Package to include design rationale, context plan, full set of building plans, landscape plans and project stats
- Comments by U Architect and presentation of project by developer, project manager & design team
- Questions and discussion by Panel members
- Comments from Panel members
- Panel votes on recommendation for support/non-support/support with conditions
Step 8: Development Permit Board
- Meetings open to the public
- C+CP staff report and project package distributed to Board members
- Presentation by staff and the Project team
- Questions/discussion from Board members
- Recommendation/decision with conditions, to the Director of Planning regarding issuance of DP
- Decision Options:
- Approval (may include conditions)
- Deferral with recommendations
- Refusal
Step 9: Feedback to Applicants
- C+CP prepares summary information to applicants identifying any outstanding issues requiring resolution prior to DP issuance
- Applicants prepare and submit final set of revised plans
- Coordinating Code Consultants selected
Step 10: Director of Planning Issues Development Permit
- Includes conditions to be satisfied prior to Building Permit or Occupancy Permit issuance
- Approved plans attached
- Expires in 1 year unless project construction substantially commenced
- Revision to plans (e.g. exterior building and landscape), parking, unit counts, or use following approval requires a DP amendment