Construction and Road Closure Updates

The UBC campus is always growing and changing so it's common to encounter construction and road closures. The map below will help you locate existing construction areas and road closures at UBC Vancouver. It is updated regularly to make navigating campus easier.

Campus Maps


Please note the following concert is taking place at Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre. 

  • Sunday March 23 from 7:30pm to 11:30pm
  • Tuesday March 25 from 7:30pm to 11:30pm

UBC Parking will close roads half an hour before event end time to expedite traffic from Thunderbird Parkade by using the two lane exit plan. Two lanes of traffic will exit the parkade and turn right onto Thunderbird Blvd West on West bound lanes then turn left at East Mall to 16th Ave. 

East side of East Mall from Thunderbird Blvd to 16th Ave and west side of East Mall from FP Innovations to 16th Ave will be closed to parking starting at all day on event day.

Osborne lot will be closed at 5 Pm onward on Sunday March 23/25, from 5pm until the end of the concert. The lot will only be open for persons with a parking permit from Sparc BC.

Transit: Bus #68 from Totem Park will be stopped temporarily at Thunderbird Blvd and Thunderbird Cr, then directed down East Mall to 16th Ave.

See enclosed image below:

A map of the exit plan for a concert closure. Please review instructions above.

Wesbrook Mall between University Boulevard and Student Union Boulevard will be CLOSED to the public on Friday, March 14th & Saturday, March 15th from 7am to 8pm. This closure is necessary to accommodate construction work at the Menno Hall site (map below showing closed section). Since there are no convenient detour routes for vehicles available, please plan your driving route ahead of time to avoid using Wesbrook Mall. Flaggers will be present at all times. Key details of this closure are as follows:


  • No detours to buses or bus stops. However, please anticipate a few minutes delay to your trip.


  • Drivers are advised to change their route into campus to avoid the closure. For example, if your destination is south of University Boulevard, use Blanca to 16th Avenue. If your destination is north of University Boulevard, use Blanca to Chancellor Boulevard. The other option is to use NW Marine Drive around the west side of campus. 


  • Northbound cyclists will be detoured to Western Parkway. Southbound cyclists will be detoured at the UBC Bus Exchange to either detour onto campus or use roads within the University Endowment Lands east of Wesbrook Mall.


  • Pedestrians can continue to use the sidewalk along the east side of Wesbrook Mall.


This is currently in place. Please obey flaggers and signage and use Lower Mall to move northbound through campus. 

November 2024 Update: Thank you for your patience as work continues around Rec North and the changes to the North Parkade. Work will be ongoing in that area through early 2025. There are no substantial changes to how things are operating today.

There is a lot of construction happening on Student Union Boulevard impacting traffic, pedestrians and cyclists. This will continue through the rest of this term. Delays should be expected, so please plan ahead.

All efforts are being made to maintain pedestrian routes during construction. However, in the next few months pedestrians will need to be detoured to either Walter Gage Road or south of UBC Life Building to allow for paving to take place along the south side of the North Parkade. More details to come once dates are known.

Please obey and be respectful of flaggers who have been doing a great job keeping everyone moving as best as possible during this challenging construction project.

Development on the corner of Wesbrook Mall and Binning Avenue will have some impact on roads and traffic (see Development Projects page for project details:

  • Binning Avenue east of Wesbrook Mall is currently closed to the general public. 
  • The sidewalk along the east side of Wesbrook Mall along the length of the construction site and the contractor parking will be intermittently closed for safety during construction activity. Pedestrians will be detoured to the sidewalk along the west side of Wesbrook Mall during this time. 
  • Parking along the east side of Wesbrook Mall will be intermittently closed to accommodate construction needs throughout construction.
  • Nearly all construction related traffic are to arrive and depart the site to the south to reduce impacts on the community.


Wesbrook Place Construction

Construction on Lot 6, future home of Wordsworth, at the corner of Ross Drive and Birney Avenue will begin in June 2023 and is expected to be completed in Fall 2025. Visit the traffic management page for an overview of the traffic control that will be in place during construction to minimize impacts to the neighbourhood.

An expansion to the Beaty Biodiversity Centre is current underway and will result in some road closures that are typically used by pedestrians, cyclists and service vehicles (see map above). Visit the project page to learn more about the addition.