Discounts and Resources

UBC occasionally presents exciting discounts in collaboration with our cycling partners. Check out what we have in store, and view other important cycling resources here!
Three people locking their bikes at a bike rack outside the UBC Aquatic Centre.
  • HUB New Cyclist Handbook outline rules of the road, safety tips, helmet and bicycle fitting, and resources to find out more about safe and enjoyable cycling. Printed and available online, the handbook is in five languages: Punjabi, Korean, Tagalog, simplified Chinese, simplified English.
  • HUB is a volunteer-run non-profit society, whose members work to improve conditions for cycling in the Lower Mainland. If you want to get involved, they're always looking for volunteers.
  • British Columbia Cycling Coalition is non-profit society that represents the interests of cyclists provincially, and that seeks to secure their recognition in policy and programs affecting transportational cycling.
  • George Massey Tunnel Bicycle Shuttle Information about the free shuttle service for bicycles and their riders through the George Massey Tunnel (convenient if you’re cycling to Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal).
  • Our Community Bikes / PEDAL is a non-profit bicycle recycling depot, a full repair shop, and an educational workshop available to people who wish to repair their own bikes or learn how to do so.
  • Ministry of Transportation – Cycling Policy in British Columbia

If you bike to or from campus, you may have noticed an area of red pavement with a bicycle symbol on the south-east corner of Blanca and University Boulevard. This is a bike box, a safety measure designed to improve conditions for cyclists and motorists at this busy intersection. A bike box has no effect when the light is green, but can make turning left after a red more convenient and safe for cyclists.

If you want to turn north (left) onto Blanca from University Boulevard, maneuver yourself into the box when you have the right of way. Wait until the light at Blanca turns green, and proceed straight ahead.

For more information, check out the City of Vancouver’s information on cycling road signs and bike boxes here.