Outdoor public art exposes us to the unexpected, provokes us, inspires us, and roots us in the history of this place. It makes art part of our daily lives.

Download the Public Art Strategy
The Public Art Strategy provides guidance on the goals and implementation strategies for UBC Vancouver's outdoor art collection. The University Art Committee has a Subcomittee on Outdoor Art which oversees the outdoor art collection.
Outdoor, public artworks include:
- The formal University Outdoor Art Collection, which is administered and curated by the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery,
- The art collection housed outdoors at the Museum of Anthropology,
- Markers of cultural significance, such as Reconciliation Pole and Musqueam house posts
- Other creative displays and initiatives, such as the UBC cairns and the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture's studio project C-Shore.
Artworks are acquired by commission, created for an artistic event or festival, purchased and donated to UBC.