By 2030, achieve a 50% GHG emission reduction of food systems.
UBC campus food systems is the second highest category in extended impact emissions after commuting. From a global perspective, food systems are an enormous driver of climate change and contribute between 21 - 50% of global GHG emissions.
UBC is well positioned to lead an integrated approach in creating a just and resilient campus-wide food system – access to sustainable, safe, affordable, healthy foods increases mental health, physical health, and sense of wellbeing benefits. Through partnerships with communities both on and off campus, a Climate-Friendly Food System at UBC will use science-based targets to reduce food system-related GHG emissions. The creation of a campus-wide food system strategy will address all components of UBC’s food system, including food production, procurement, provision, consumption to waste and recovery.
Featured Project
The Climate-Friendly Food System Action Team has been piloting a food labeling program to help consumers make climate-friendly good choices.
Learn more about the the Climate Friendly Food Label program.
Take Action Now
To accelerate climate-friendly changes to our food system, critical action on a collective and individual scale is needed to: (1) reduce food greenhouse gas emissions, and (2) promote resilient and regenerative food systems. Learn what you can do to support this shift at UBC and beyond, and find the resources to help.