Recycling and Waste Operations

Recycling and waste operations are the backbone of achieving our zero waste and recycling objectives, and keeping the campus clean and healthy.
Garbage truck
Waste removal on campus by UBC Waste Management

There are different groups responsible for recycling and waste operations, Sort it Out Bins and waste removal services. Learn who to contact if you have an issue with recycling or waste on campus. 

Inside Buildings

Academic Buildings

UBC Custodial Services takes care of the waste bins and recycling stations in academic buildings. This includes emptying and cleaning the bins and stations, and moving bins from inside the building to the loading dock where they are collected - among many other tasks.

Athletics and Residence Buildings

In student residences and some Athletics facilities, staff from those organizations provide custodial services.

Outside Buildings

UBC Waste Management collects waste from buildings on the academic campus, and transports it to different locations for processing, recycling and disposal including:

  • Food scrap waste is collected and taken to an off-campus composting facility for processing into soil amendment 
  • Paper, cardboard and containers waste is collected an taken to off-campus commercial recycling service providers
  • Garbage is collected and taken to the Vancouver Waste Transfer Station for disposal in landfill.

UBC Waste Management also collects the waste and recycling from the outdoor garbage cans and recycling stations, with the exception of within student housing and some Athletics areas.

There are many other waste streams that are collected at different points on campus. These are outlined in the A-Z Recyclepedia.

Sorting of Waste

Once placed in a recycling station or bin, waste sorting is no longer responsibility of UBC staff. Sorting must be done by all users on campus in order that UBC can minimize garbage going to landfill and maximize diversion of materials to composting and recycling. Contamination of food scraps composting and recycling not sorted properly increases landfilling and increases UBC’s costs to manage the waste.

Learn more

Other Key Contacts

If you are experiencing any issues with recycling stations indoors or outdoors, or if there is a need for additional recycling bins: