Implementing The Vision

The content on this page was last updated in July 2024. 
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The Vision will be brought to life over the next 30 years through the development of supporting plans, policies and technical analysis undertaken with community members, researchers and academics, Musqueam and external jurisdictions and partners.  

Policies & Plans

Infographic showing the relationship between UBC plans and policies.
Diagram showing the relationship between the Land Use Plan, Campus Vision 2050, and other UBC plans and policies. (Click to open in new tab)

The Vision supports the academic mission, values and priorities of the university by providing a long-term, aspirational framework for physical growth and change on the campus. Implementing the Vision will involve many UBC policies and plans aligned with its priorities.

Learn more about the relationship between Campus Vision 2050 and other plans and policies: 

The Vision has been implemented through UBC’s Land Use Plan, the long-term regulatory guide for Vancouver campus land use. The Province approves UBC’s Land Use Plan. Like Official Community Plans, the Land Use Plan states the objectives and policies that guide planning and land use management, outlines long-term development plans, and must be consistent with regional plans and policies. The Land Use Plan will be updated to implement the Vision, including policies like the amount of development in different areas of campus. Future Land Use Plan updates will take place approximately every 10 years.

The updated 10-Year Campus Plan will focus primarily on academic lands and guide how academic facilities, student housing, transportation systems, green and open space, and community amenities are accommodated over the next decade. It will also include high-level guidance on the interface between future neighbourhood development and academic lands and inform the creation of detailed neighbourhood plans as set out below. 

Detailed Neighbourhood Plans will be developed in collaboration with UBC Properties Trust and through engaement with Musqueam, the UNA and the UBC community for all new neighbourhood development outlined in the Vision. This includes amendments to the Wesbrook and Hawthorn Neighbourhood Plans, finalizing Stadium Neighbourhood Plan and developing a Neighbourhood Plan for Acadia. The Neighbourhood Plans will contain detailed policies and guidelines for aspects such as the location of housing and commercial uses, individual building heights, street connectivity and access, public realm and open space, architecture and building character, infrastructure provision, and services and amenities. The Neighbourhood Plans will reflect the principles, big ideas and strategies contained in the Vision and be consistent with specific policies set out in the Land Use Plan.

Projects on academic land will be implemented through coordinated planning and decision-making by a range of university departments through the university’s capital prioritization process, in line with the Vision, Land Use Plan and 10-Year Campus Plan and through close engagement with faculties and academic units. 

Implementation of the Vision will be closely aligned with academic and enrolment planning to support and adapt to alternative academic approaches and opportunities, and ensure UBC remains at the forefront of teaching, learning, research and innovation. 

Several other plans and strategies will be developed that will update existing commitments and policies to align with and support the Vision.

The Neighbourhood Climate Action Plan

The Neighbourhood Climate Action Plan is an update to the UBC Community Energy and Emissions Plan and aims to reduce energy use and GHG emissions in UBC’s neighbourhood housing areas, on par with Climate Action Plan 2030, which covers academic areas at UBC. 

Rainwater Management Plan

An updated Rainwater Management Plan will model and identify strategies for future development to support the natural hydrological cycle, support climate resilience, prevent cliff erosion, and identify opportunities to achieve multi-benefit amenity for the campus community.

Transportation Plan

An updated Transportation Plan will describe how UBC will enable sustainable, healthy and affordable travel choices in support of the Vision and UBC’s Climate Action Plan commitments to a 45-per cent reduction in extended impact GHG emissions, including trips to and from the campus, compared to 2010 levels. Transportation-related targets and strategies are also anticipated to emerge from the Neighbourhood Climate Action Plan.

Public Realm Plan

An update to the Public Realm Plan will articulate programming, design and engagement objectives and high level phasing for implementing near-term public realm investments.

Child Care Expansion Plan

An update to the Child Care Expansion Plan will identify objectives and opportunities for the delivery of child care spaces in the academic and neighbourhood lands to keep pace with a growing community.

Biodiversity Strategy

Working with Musqueam and subject matter experts, strategied and guidelines will be developed for enhancing and protecting ecology and increasing biodiversity, including through indigenous planting, tree retention and increased understory planting

Community Amenities Strategy 

A Community Amenities Strategy will identify priorities and opportunities for delivery of community and recreation facilities on academic and neighbourhood lands. In collaboration with multiple parties, it will include a sustainable funding model built on the success to date to deliver the necessary range of amenities and facilities across campus.


Working with Musqueam

This Vision document represents the broad intention of the university. Through subsequent, more detailed planning, Musqueam and UBC will work together to manage existing and potential impacts of growth on local services and ecology on the peninsula.

UBC and Musqueam Indian Band are working together to transform their long-standing relationship with a Relationship Agreement. This is an important part of UBC’s institutional commitment to deepening the university’s relationship with Musqueam and to reconciliation more broadly. Through the Relationship Agreement, UBC and Musqueam are co-developing a comprehensive framework for engaging Musqueam on land use initiatives to better understand and incorporate Musqueam values, needs and interests into planning. 

Working with the UNA

The University Neighbourhoods Association (UNA) has been a key stakeholder in Campus Vision 2050 and is an important partner for UBC’s current and future neighbourhoods. UBC will continue to collaborate with the UNA through the Neighbours’ Agreement, UBC-UNA Liaison Committee, and regular UNA Board engagement. UBC is also committed to formal UNA involvement in planning for future neighbourhoods, the review of future neighbourhood development proposals, and the handover of future neighbourhood facilities and amenities for UNA service delivery.

Working with Other Agencies

UBC will continue to work with the province, TransLink, the City of Vancouver, Metro Vancouver, Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services, the RCMP, the Vancouver School Board, Vancouver Coastal Health, and other partners to deliver on areas of shared interest including: housing affordability, rapid transit, roads, public safety, schools, and infrastructure. This includes making sure services are in place to respond to growing community needs and collaborating with Musqueam Indian Band to engage other agencies on areas of shared interest. It also includes working together with the University Endowment Lands and Metro Vancouver to respect the character of the surrounding neighbourhoods, protecting the sensitive ecology of Pacific Spirit Regional Park, and mitigate potential development impacts on downstream habitats and the adjacent cliffs.


While specific timing, financing and servicing needs for future growth will be determined through supplementary plans and policies, development activities are generally expected within these timeframes.

Short Term Phasing
Next 10 Years
Short Term Phasing

Next 10 Years

  • Implement projects from UBC’s Capital Projects Priority List, including planning for replacement facilities such as Chemistry, Applied One, Medicine One and Math, and planning for seismically vulnerable facilities.
  • Begin implementing 3,300 new and 1,000 replacement student beds and supporting amenities and services like child care.
  • Amend the Neighbourhood Plan for Wesbrook Place with an expanded boundary and development allocations, and complete Wesbrook Place development.
  • Finalize the plan for Stadium Neighbourhood.
  • Identify which neighbourhood(s) will be built next and work with the community to develop and/or ammend Neighbourhood Plan(s).
  • Deliver services and amenities in tandem with growth in population.
Long Term Phasing
Years 10-30
Long Term Phasing

Years 10-30

  • Develop remaining neighbourhood plans.
  • Deliver subsequent academic and neighbourhood development.
  • Update the Land Use Plan in alignment with future updates to the Housing Action Plan and other relevant policies, including consideration of new areas for additional development and redevelopment.
  • Update the 10-Year Campus Plan, including planning for replacement facilities.

The Vision was developed through Musqueam, university and community engagement and in response to current and future needs and aspirations. Implementing the Vision will involve working with faculty experts and others to test and innovate solutions to complex and urgent societal challenges such as housing affordability and climate change. This includes monitoring the environmental, climate, financial, and socioeconomic impacts of implementation through ongoing reporting to ensure UBC is adapting to rapidly changing conditions and learning from new information. The Vision may also be amended to respond to changing needs, conditions and opportunities in tandem with the Land Use Plan, 10-Year Campus Plan, and other plans, as necessary.

UBC is committed to implementing the Vision in ways that contribute to the livability and sustainability of the broader Point Grey peninsula, working in partnership with the Musqueam Indian Band, the University Neighbourhoods Association, campus communities (students, faculty, residents, staff, alumni), UBC Properties Trust, neighbouring jurisdictions, and other levels of government and partners. Ongoing engagement will continue to reflect the diverse experiences, knowledge and perspectives of the university communities, including:

  • Deepening engagement with Musqueam on land use planning and the planning and design of specific projects
  • Continuing to reach and engage with marginalized and underrepresented communities
  • Employing a variety of interest-based and participatory planning and design methods in the design and programming of community spaces to reflect local needs