The notices are in chronological order for the current year. Please see the Archive page for previous years.
August 2024 - Brock Hall
One Cypress (Chamaecyparis spp.) with a 94cm DBH located on the South side of Brock Hall will be removed on August 29-30, 2024. The tree has been marked for removal due to its overall dead condition. The sidewalk between Brock Hall and UBC Centre for Research in Women's Studies and Gender Relations will be closed for the duration of the work.
![Brock Hall](/sites/default/files/styles/medium/public/2024-08/Brock%20Hall.jpg?itok=Q6fw0Umc)
June 2024 - School of Population and Public Health
One Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus) with a 56cm DBH, located between the Cunningham Building and the School of Population and Public Health will be removed on June 19, 2024. The tree has been marked for removal due to its overall dead condition and its definite Westward lean. Two pathways will be closed for the duration of the work.
June 2024 - Museum of Anthropology
Two Western Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) with a 19cm DBH, located in the Hemlock grove at the entrance to the Museum of Anthropology will be removed on June 6 and 7. The trees have been marked for removal due to their overall dead condition. The work is expected to take 6 hours each day and the sidewalk to the main entrance will be closed for the duration of the work.
May 2024 - TRIUMF
One Big Leaf Maple (Acer macrophyllum) with a 45cm DBH, located West of the TRIUMF facility will be removed on May 30, 2024. The tree has been marked for removal due to its failure potential from being in a dead and rotting condition. No roads or sidewalks are to be closed during the duration of this work.
May 2024 - Centre for Comparative Medicine
One Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata) with a 88cm DBH, located on the West side of the Centre of Comparative Medicine will be removed on May 20, 2024. The tree has been marked for removal due to its overall dead condition.
May 2024 - Gage Apartments
One Raywood ash (Fraxinus oxycarpa 'raywood') with a 19cm DBH, located on the North side of Gage Apartments will be removed on May 22, 2024. The tree has been marked for removal due to its failure potential from leaning at a 45 degree angle. Work will start after 9am and will take approximately 2 hours to complete.
February 2024 - Willow Childcare Centre
One Alder tree (Alnus spp.) located in the play area of the Willow Childcare Centre will be removed on February 27, 2024. The tree has been marked for removal due to its overall dead condition that has resulted in several branch failures. The play area will be closed for the duration of the work.
February 2024 - Chan Centre
One Korean White Pine (Pinus koraiensis) with a 30cm DBH, located on the South side of the Chan Centre will be removed February 26, 2024. The tree requires removal due to its overall dead condition. The section of sidewalk in front of the tree will be closed for the duration of the work (approximately 3-4 hours).
February 2024 - Health Sciences Parkade
Two Western Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) with a 35cm DBH, located on the East side of Health Science Parkade will be removed on February 20-21, 2024. The trees require removal due to their overall dead condition. The sidewalk adjacent to the tree will be closed for the duration of the work, an approximate 6 hours each day.
February 2024 - Tennis Centre
One Hawthorn (Crataegus sp) with a DBH of 37cm, located on the South side of the Tennis Centre will be removed on February 12, 2024. Recent weather events have comprised the trees structural integrity and will pose a threat to pedestrians if the tree remains in its current state. No walkways or roadways will be impacted during the expected 3 hour removal.
February 2024 - Ponderosa F
One Pacific Dogwood (Cornus nuttallii) with a DBH of 39cm, located South West of Ponderosa F will be removed on February 9, 2024. The tree requires removal due to its overall dead condition, believed to be caused by Dogwood leaf blight. The sidewalk and West-most exit will be closed during the duration of work. Staff will reroute pedestrians during the expected 3 hour removal.
February 2024 - Continuing Studies Building
One Red Maple (Acer rubrum) with a DBH of 23cm, located on the South side of the Continuing Studies Building will be removed on February 8, 2024. The tree requires removal due to its overall dead condition. The sidewalk and South entrance to Continuing Studies Building will be blocked during work completion. The sidewalk along the North side of the West Parkade will also be blocked. Pedestrians will be rerouted by staff during the expected 2 hour removal.
February 2024 - Museum of Anthropology
Three Western Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) trees, located South East of the Museum of Anthropology main entrance have been marked for removal. The trees require removal due to their overall dead condition. Sidewalks and walkways will be closed for the duration of the work. Removal is currently scheduled for February 8, 2024 and will take approximately 5 hours.
January 2024: Student Recreation Centre
One Norway Maple (Acer platanoides) with a DBH of 49cm, located on the North side of the Student Recreation Centre will be removed on January 18, 2024. The tree requires removal due to it being in a overall dead condition due to fungal disease possibly related to construction activity in the area. The sidewalk and wheelchair ramp to the North of SRC will be closed for the duration of the work. Signage and staff will direct pedestrians to the North side of Student Union Boulevard. The work will approximately take 4 hours to complete.
January 2024: UBC Hospital
One Western Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) with a DBH of 23cm, located on the North side of the Keorner Pavilion will be removed on January 17, 2024. The tree requires removal due to it being in a overall dead condition related to drought. This work will not cause any disruption to the walkways and will take approximately 2 hours to be chipped and removed.
December 2023: Continuing Studies Building
One Red Maple (Acer rubrum) with a DBH of 23cm, located on the South side of the Continuing Studies Building will be removed on December 11, 2023. The tree requires removal due to it being in a overall dead condition. The work will cause the sidewalk, South entrance to the building, and sidewalk along the North side of the West parkade to be temporarily closed. Pedestrians will be rerouted to other entrances of the CSB.
December 2023: Frederic Wood Theatre
One Black Pine (Pinus nigra) located Southwest of Frederic Wood Theatre and North of the School of Music Building will be removed on Monday, December 4th. The tree, located above the music parking lot entrance, is in a overall dead condition with a falling risk. A replacement tree will be planted in a different location on campus.
November 2023: Buchanan Courtyard
One Cottonwood Tree (Populus deltoides) will be removed from the Buchanan Courtyard at the end of November. The tree has started to uproot and as a result has been marked for removal. Due to ongoing graduation ceremonies in the area, the tree will be limbed on November 21-22 to eliminate any hazard. The rest of the tree will be removed after the graduation tents have been removed from the courtyard.
November 2023: Acadia Park
One Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) with a DBH of 76cm will be removed on December 4, 2023. This dead tree is located in the grove of trees bound by Melfa Rd, Melfa Ct and Acadia Park Ln. Removal will take approx. 6 hours and pedestrians will be routed around the work zone.
November 2023: Agronomy Rd
One Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) with a DBH of 29cm will be removed on November 5, 2023. This dead tree is located on the South side of Agronomy Rd, West of Thunderbird Crescent. Removal disruptions will take 2 hours while the sidewalk and East-bound lane of Agronomy will be closed for the duration of the work. Pedestrian traffic will be directed to the opposite side of the road.
November 2023: Stores Rd
One Red Maple (Acer rubrum) with a DBH of 49cm, located South of the Earth and Ocean Sciences building on Stores Rd has been marked for removal due to major limb failure. This removal is scheduled to take place on November 4, 2023. A portion of Stores Rd will be closed during removal.
October 2023: Friedman and Woodward
Two Columnar English Oak trees (Quercus robur 'fastigiata) located on the North side of the Woodward building, and on the South side of Friedman building have been marked for removal. Both trees are subject for removal due to their overall dead condition that could cause personal injury or property damage. Removal will take place over October 14-16th.
October 2023: Acadia Park
One Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) with a 76cm DBH will be removed from the grove of trees that is bound by Melfa Rd, Melfa Ct & Acadia Park Ln. The tree is subject for removal due to its overall dead condition. A removal date has not yet been yet.
September 2023: Wesbrook Mall & Nurseries Rd.
One Caucasian fir (Abies nordmanniana) will be removed from from the Wesbrook Mall roundabout at Nurseries Rd. The tree is subject for removal due to the possibility of failure which can cause personal injury or property damage. Removal is scheduled to take place on September 29, 2023.
September 2023: Melfa Lane
One Oak tree (Quercus sp) will be removed from West of 2516 Melfa Lane. The tree is subject for removal due to its overall dead and unstable condition. Work is scheduled to take place September 21st, 2023.
September 2023: JB Macdonald
One Red Maple Tree (Acer rubrum) will be removed from the South entrance of the JB Macdonald building. The tree is subject for removal due to its overall dead health. The work is scheduled to take place on September 14th, 2023.
September 2023: Chemistry Building
One Cypress Tree (Chamaecyparis sp.) will be removed from the South side of the Chemistry D building. This tree is subject for removal due to its overall dead health. The removal will take place over one day in early September with one door and pathway being blocked during the work.
June 2023: Powerhouse Lane
As part of the upcoming demolition of the powerhouse stack, one self seeded Western Hemlock Tree (Tsuga heterophylla) has been identified to be removed. With the removal of the stack and its foundation wall below ground, the tree will become a fall risk as it will have no anchor point.
May 2023: Liu Institute
Two Western Red Cedars (Thuja plicata) and one Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) will be removed from the forested area bound by the Liu Institute, Asian Centre, Nitobe Garden and Marine Drive. These trees are subject for removal due to their overall dead condition. Work will take place on two separate days in late May.
April 2023: University BLVD DES Connection
Three Katsura trees (C. Japonicum) will be removed to connect the District Energy System to the new Gateway Building and School of Biomechanical Engineering Building. All three trees will be replaced with the same or similar species.
February 2023: Marine Drive
One dead Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) that has experienced root fungus will be removed from the West side of the Bioenergy Research Demonstration Facility on Marine Drive. Work will happen from February 8th - February 9th.
January 2023: Hampton Place Boulevard
One Narrow- leaved Ash (Fraxinus angustifolia) has left a slight heave to the ground and a void is suspected underneath the root plate. The likelihood of failure and property damage is probable. As a result, the tree has been marked for removal. A new tree will be planted at the completion of this project.
January 2023: Norman Mackenzie House
One Princess Tree (Paulownia tomentosa) will be removed from the East side of the Norman Mackenzie House. It has been identified as a dead tree that possesses the potential danger of falling and causing damage to visitors and the Norman Mackenzie House. The tree will be brought to the university's south campus yard for chipping.
January 2023: Green College
One Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii) will be removed from the Green House at Green College as it is dead from arbutus fungal blight. The tree will be brought to the university's south campus yard for chipping.
January 2023: Beaty Biodiversity Centre Addition
To accommodate an addition to the Beaty Biodiversity Building, 14 trees in moderate to poor condition will be removed on the east side of Fairview Grove. Twenty-nine trees will be protected and retained during the development of this addition. The trees that will be retained are primarily cedar and Douglas fir trees.
September: Wesbrook Place BCR5/6
As part of the upcoming construction of faculty/staff housing on Lots BCR5 & BCR6, 28 trees will be removed that conflict with the building footprint. An additional 12 street trees, under 15 cm dbh, will also need to be removed to allow for upgrades to the road infrastructure. New trees will be planted at the completion of the project.
August 2022: School of Biomedical Engineering (SBME)
Due to the need to access underground utilities for the construction of the School of Biomedical Engineering building, a Katsura tree (Cercidiphyllum japonicum) within the median of University Boulevard will be removed. A replacement tree will be provided as part of the project.
August 2022: Koerner Pavilion
One London plane (Platanus acerifolia) will be removed as the tree is almost dead from drought like conditions and it poses a danger to pedestrians and nearby road user at the Southeast corner of the Koerner pavilion. The tree will be removed and chipped for use at the university's south campus nursery.
August 2022: Museum of Anthropology Great Hall Renewal
One Western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) located north of the Great Hall of the Museum of Anthropology, will be removed due to conflict with excavations required for seismic upgrades to the Great Hall. The tree will be replaced by a Western redcedar or Douglas fir in the fall of 2023, after work for the renewal is complete. The tree will be brought to the university's south campus yard for chipping and reuse.
July 2022: Health Sciences Parkade
A dead Norway maple (Acer platanoides), located on East Mall at the west side of the Health Sciences Parkade, has been identified as being dead and possessing a danger to pedestrians and other road users. The tree is to be removed and chipped for use at the university's south campus nursery.
July 2022: Recreation Centre North
As part of the tree management and removal plan approved with the Recreation Centre North Development permit (DP21004), 61 trees will be removed along Student Union Boulevard, north of the existing Life Building, to accommodate the new Recreation Centre North. Trees removed range in size from 4 to 63 cm diameter. The remaining trees will be fenced off and protected during construction.
At least 68 new trees will be planted as part of the new building landscape and public realm plans. Shrubs, perennials, and ground cover will also be planted.
To learn more about the project, visit:
July 2022: Northwest Marine Drive/Place Vanier
One Red Alder (Alnus rubra) is in danger of failing onto the roadway of NW Marine Drive, and may block the entire roadway. The tree will be carefully removed and chipped for use at the university's south campus nursery.
July 2022: Pacific Spirit Childcare
One Western redcedar (Thuja plicata), believed to be dead due to brown rot brought on by drought, and located to the northwest of the Pacific Spirit Childcare building (5580 Osoyoos Crescent) will be removed. The tree will be chipped at the university's south campus nursery, with logs left in situ for placement in the daycare yards.
June 2022: Continuing Studies Building
One dead Himalayan Birch (Betula utilis var. jaquemontii), damaged by the bronze birch borer insect, located to the southeast of the Continuing Studies Building will be removed. The tree will be chipped at the university's south campus nursery. One Pacific Dogwood (Cornus nuttalii) is planned as a replacement.
June 2022: Chan Centre for Performing Arts
One dead Japanese Zelkova (Zelkova Serrata), believed to be damaged by the 2021 summer heat dome, located to the northeast of the Chan Centre will be removed. The tree will be chipped at the university's south campus nursery. As the class tree for the graduating class of 2011, a replacement Japanese Zelkova will be planted as replacement in the fall.
June 2022: 2500 Block of Melfa Lane
One dead Grand fir (Abies grandis), likely damaged by poor soil conditions and root structure, will need to be removed at the 2500 block of Melfa Lane due to potential hazards to residents and pedestrians. The tree will be carefully removed, then chipped for use at the university's south campus nursery.
June 2022: AMS Student Nest - Knoll
Located on the Knoll to the west of the AMS Student Nest, one Red maple (Acer rubrum) is to be removed as it is dying due to a fungal disease, likely arising from stress due to dry conditions. The tree will be replaced by one Yoshino Cherry (Prunus x yedoensis).
April 2022: Gateway Building
11 Katsura (Cercidiphyllum japonicum) are to be removed due to conflict with utility servicing work for the Gateway building. 4 trees in the median of University Boulevard and 1 street tree will be temporarily removed. 6 additional street trees will be removed and replaced within the redesigned building landscaping along University Boulevard.
April 2022: School of Biomedical Engineering
Twelve trees located on the south side of University Boulevard are to be removed as part of the construction of the School of Biomedical Engineering building (SBME). The trees are in conflict with the building footprint. Trees to be removed: 5 x Pine (Pinus nigra), 4 x Cherry (Prunus x yedoensis), 1 x Oak (Quercus rubra), 1 x Tulip (Liriodendron tulipfera), 1 x Beech (Fagus sylvatica).
February 2022: Museum of Anthropology
Two western hemlocks (Tsuga heterophylla) west of the main entrance to the Museum of Anthropology have died from drought conditions and were removed. The tree branches were chipped and used as mulch in the university's garden beds. Replacement western redcedars (Thuja plicata) will be planted in the vicinity in early fall.