Heritage Conservation Policy

“UBC will be a small city which is capable of being made one of the most interesting and beautiful in the world.”
- Ministry of Education, 1908
UBC heritage
An early display of UBC spirit


The history of UBC’s Vancouver campus lands and culture is embodied in its buildings, landscapes and other features. The campus’ cultural heritage is fully explored in the 2009 document, UBC Campus Historical Context and Themes: What do we value here?

Download UBC Campus Historical Context and Themes

The study uses eight broad themes that together tell the story of how the campus and its culture developed and identifies heritage resources associated with each theme. This study formed the basis of the campus heritage conservation policies, resources and management strategies contained in the Vancouver Campus Plan.

Testing the viability of heritage conservation at the start of a project is required for all sites with identified heritage resources through a process that considers financial, programmatic, sustainability, campus design, land use and heritage interests.

Heritage Statements of Significance

Heritage Statements of Significance (SOS) are used as part of this assessment to identify elements that are considered of value, including social, historical or character defining perspectives. This, along with economic, programmatic and environmental considerations, informs which heritage resources are feasible to retain or renew on future development sites.

Heritage Conservation Themes and Management Strategies are summarized in Table 2-4 of Part 2 of the Vancouver Campus Plan and the location of heritage resources are illustrated on Maps 2-10 to 2-12 of the Vancouver Campus Plan.

Download the Vancouver Campus Plan

Statements of Significance have been completed for the following Heritage Resources: