Updated: January 30, 2022
Project Update
In December 2021, UBC launched it's Climate Action Plan (CAP 2030). Visit the CAP 2030 website to learn more about the Plan's targets, actions and strategies.
Campus Engagement
From March 29 – April 16, 2021, the Campus and Community Planning team lead an engagement process for the entire university community. This was an opportunity for staff, students and faculty to learn about the emerging CAP 2030, ask questions, and share perspectives.
Through our online survey and virtual events, we heard from 764 participants about the emerging CAP 2030, and the barriers and opportunities for climate action on campus.
Feedback received focused on indirect emissions, which are emissions that are related to individual behaviors such as commuting, food choices and waste.
What We Heard
Below is a snapshot of the main themes that we heard from the UBC community during the public engagement period.

You can also read our Engagement Summary Report to learn more about our public engagement process and the feedback that was collected during this period. Included in this report are the detailed comments received through our public engagement activities, and verbatim survey responses.
Here’s how you can take-action now
The final CAP 2030 will be presented to the Board of Governors in November 2021. But you don’t need to wait until the plan is finalized to start taking action on climate change.