Every year, more commuters across the region park their cars to join throngs of cyclists for Bike to Work (+ School) Week.
This year, the trend continued with record-breaking participation, and UBC once again led by example. From May 27 to June 2, 594 riders logged 3,937 trips by bike to, from or around campus at UBC, saving 9 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions from entering the air and traveling more than 42,000 kilometres.

Organizing non-profit cycling advocacy group HUB reported that region-wide, nearly 11,400 riders registered to ride a total of 578,188 kilometres. Of those riders, more than 3,000 were new to the challenge!
"The continued growth in participation shows that the ongoing investment in cycling infrastructure and education across the region is having a direct impact on the number of people commuting by bike. It’s really great to see such a measurable increase (+87%) in the number of participants who are brand new to biking this year" said Rowena Farr, Bike to Work Week Manager.
Always up for a challenge, UBC took the honour of Best in Higher Education and Best Workplace (1000+ Employees).
To put UBC’s Herculean effort into perspective, participants collectively rode the equivalent of crossing Canada from east to west, throughout each BTWW day.
Top 10 UBC Bike to Work Week Teams:
This year’s competition at UBC heated up substantially with teams challenging one another for what was undoubtedly a much coveted trophy. Congratulations to Michael Smith Laboratories for etching the department in history as the inaugural winners!

Members of UBC’s top departmental team Michael Smith Laboratories show off their brand new trophy. Ice cream incentives, prolific postering and an ingrained culture of cycling commuting allowed the team to pedal their way up to the top of the podium.

The BTWW Trophy.
Congratulations to all participants, including the top ten UBC teams, for collectively helping UBC lead the region in cycling trips.

Celebration Station Highlights
More than 500 staff, faculty, students and community members attended UBC’s Celebration Station, held May 29 outside the UBC Bookstore. Celebrating participants and cycling as a method of transportation, the station featured free bike-tune ups, registration with Project 529 anti-bike theft program, and free giveaways and prizes.
Thanks to partners HUB, Project 529, UBC Bookstore, UBC Food Services, Campus Security, AMS Bike Kitchen, UBC Athletics and Recreation and Campus and Community Planning for making the event possible.

View more photos from Bike to Work (+ School) Week on Flickr.