Chancellor Place is located at the north-east boundary of campus. The neighbourhood is bounded by Chancellor Boulevard, Wesbrook Mall and Walter Gage Road, with Gage Residences to the south, and Allard School of Law to the west. The neighbourhood has a total of 975 residential units, of which:
- 155 are purpose-built rental
- 470 are market leasehold
- 500 institutional residential units (i.e. student housing)
The Chancellor Place Neighbourhood Plan outlines land uses and densities, parks and open space, circulation and transportation, sustainability strategies, design guidelines, development controls, infrastructure and servicing, and community facilities.
Download the Chancellor Place Neighbourhood Plan
The Neighbourhood Plan
Chancellor Place Neighbourhood Plan was adopted in 2001 and amended in 2011 and 2014. The Chancellor Place Neighbourhood Plan preserves the historical character of existing theological buildings and landscape while adding a range of student, faculty and staff housing. Some of the prominent features of the neighbourhood include:
- Housing and building design that emphasizes pedestrian experience
- A network traffic calmed neighbourhood streets that connect to nearby attractions
- The renovation and renewal of the historic, granite-clad Iona Building
- The retention of the chapels of St. Andrew’s, St. Mark’s and the Epiphany
- The consolidation Vancouver School of Theology facilities
- The enhancement open space and green areas including Theology Mall, Iona Woods and Iona Green
Chancellor Place Timeline
Chancellor Place Neighbourhood adopted
Guided by the Official Community Plan adopted in 1997
Iona Building renovated
A building icon in UBC's Theological District
UBC Land Use Plan adopted
Replaced the previous Official Community Plan
Chancellor Place Neighbourhood Plan amended
Included public consultation and community engagement
UBC takes possession of Iona Building
The building is now used for teaching
Chancellor Place Neighbourhood Plan amended
Included public consultation and community engagement
Chancellor Place Neighbourhood Plan amended
Amended in relation to Carey College expansion project
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