Submission Successful
It may take up to 10 business days before we review your application.
UBC Film and Events office is receiving a higher than usual amount of event requests. We appreciate your patience.
As a registered film student at UBC or another bona fide film school, you are permitted to film on campus pursuant to the following guidelines. The normal campus location fee of $2,500 /shoot day will be waived for bona fide students filming for a class project. Building rental fees, parking, security and technical labour, as required, may still apply.
Application Procedure
Complete the Student Filming Application form below.
If there are any questions or to discuss the filming proposal, locations and location contacts, contact Arlene Chan at 604.822.6555 or Patty Gallivan at 604.827.5552.
A minimum 48 hours’ notice of cancellation must be provided. Failure to provide cancellation notice will result in a charge of $50.00 + applicable taxes. University procedures indicate that UBC will not sign any third party agreements, contracts, waivers, or release forms. If required, an authorization letter or permit will be provided.