The process to update the Wesbrook Place Neighbourhood Plan is continuing, with a focus on a new area of the neighbourhood, Wesbrook Place South, which will become a hub of housing, amenities, open space and community activity.
From February 4 to 23, UBC is engaging the community to provide feedback on key elements of the draft update to the plan.
In this second phase of engagement, key elements of the draft plan are being presented to the community for feedback, including:
- Housing and built form: the types, heights, locations and orientations of buildings in Wesbrook Place South
- Amenities and services: the location and arrangement of new commercial and community space
- Parks, ecology and tree retention: the location and concept designs for new parks and open spaces, and the retention and enhancement of trees and ecology
- Rainwater management and climate: measures to help adapt to a changing climate, including rainwater management features, building performance and climate resilient plant selection and placement
- Mobility, streets and parking: proposed transportation improvements, street character, curbside management and parking principles
Updating the plan is the first major step in implementing Campus Vision 2050, the long-range plan for how UBC's Vancouver campus will change and grow to support the needs of the university, its students, faculty, residents, staff, and Musqueam.
UBC builds neighbourhoods to make vibrant communities, to provide a place for the UBC community to live, work, learn and play, and to build a financial endowment to support UBC’s academic mission.
The Wesbrook Place Neighbourhood Plan needs to be updated to implement UBC’s Campus Vision 2050, as well as the Land Use Plan, Housing Action Plan, Neighbourhood Climate Action Plan, and other related plans and policies.
Building on community engagement
Draft updates to the neighbourhood plan build upon four preliminary directions and community feedback received during the first phase of engagement, which took place October 29th to November 15th, 2024.
Community members, the majority of whom were families, staff, faculty, and students that currently live in Wesbrook Place Neighbourhood, participated in a workshop or community conversation, attended an open house or a walking tour, and/or provided their feedback through an online survey. Staff also engaged with the University Neighbourhoods Association, Planning Advisory Committee, External Advisory Committee and had targeted conversations with adjacent users such as Pacific Spirit Park Society, TRIUMF, and UBC Farm.
Review a high-level summary of what we heard during the first phase of engagement.
Get Involved
Community feedback on the key elements of the draft plan is happening via engagement events and a survey from February 4 to February 23. A full draft of the updated Neighbourhood Plan will be available on the C+CP website for comment in late March.
Feedback on the key elements and draft updated Neighbourhood Plan, together with further technical analysis, will be incorporated into a final plan, which will be considered by the UBC Board of Governors in June.
Visit Wesbrook Place Neighbourhood Plan Update to learn more, take the online survey, and see details about upcoming engagement events including open houses and walking tours.