As many of you have experienced, the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) has disrupted the way we get around Metro Vancouver. With many people working from home and students shifting to learning online, we are driving less, using transit less and walking and biking more.
There is a lot of interest in gaining a better understanding about these changes and community needs. In fact, a study by Deloitte presented at the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade’s virtual Transportation Forum 2020 on June 1, signified that a large proportion of residents are looking to expand the use of their personal vehicles at this time. Transportation experts at UBC and around the region are interested in hearing your thoughts on how you plan to get around during the outbreak.
Shared mobility agency, Movmi, has designed a survey to understand the current mobility needs and wishes of people living in the Lower Mainland. The "Rebuild Tomorrow’s Mobility Survey" is focused on questions about commuting behaviour pre- and post- outbreak. We are sharing the survey with people who work, live, and study at UBC as the data will help us facilitate specific transportation programs, partnerships and possibly new policies for Metro Vancouver.
The survey is anonymous and data will be shared with all participating organizations including UBC, SFU, Modo, Mobi bike share, Vancouver Economic Commission and others.
Read more:
Deloitte – Future of Mobility presentation