From October 21-27 2019, UBC riders logged 2,644 trips and over 27,600 kilometres biked to, from or around campus. The total number of rides to campus increased by 40% compared to the fall 2018 competition. The non-profit cycling advocacy group HUB reported that region-wide, over 5,500 riders registered to ride over 304,000 kilometres.
"Bike to Work Week is an excellent way to generate excitement and interest around biking to work and school,” said Krista Falkner, UBC’s Transportation Engineer. “For those that already bike, it's their time to shine and get acknowledged for their effort. For those that don't usually bike, this is the week they have all kinds of support from other bikers as well as from our UBC community. Tips and tools are at the ready as well as workshops to help people get on their bike.”
Top 10 UBC Bike to Work Week Teams
The SHHS Road Warriors pose with their trophy.
Competition was fierce this year with 75 cycling teams competing to log the most rides and kilometre’s cycled at UBC. Topping the list for the fall competition was the SHHS Road Warriors, with riders from Student Housing and Hospitality Services. They were the lucky recipients of the UBC Bike to Work Week Trophy.
Congratulations to all participants, including the top ten UBC teams, for collectively helping UBC lead the region in cycling trips.
Celebration Station Highlights
More than 200 staff, faculty, students and community members attended UBC’s Celebration Station, held October 22 outside the UBC Bookstore. The event celebrated UBC’s cycling community and featured free bike-tune ups, registration opportunities with Project 529 anti-bike theft program, and free giveaways and prizes.
The event was made possible with the support of HUB, Project 529, HOPR, UBC Bookstore, UBC Food Services, Campus Security, AMS Bike Kitchen, UBC Athletics and Recreation and Campus and Community Planning.
The next Bike to Work Week will be held in spring 2020. Follow us @campusUBC on twitter and Instagram to learn more.
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