Hundreds of UBC cyclists participated in the Spring 2018 edition of Bike to Work Week May 28 to June 3
UBC was recognized with top marks in the Spring 2018 Bike to Work Week competition, a bi-annual event promoting cycling across the region. Organized by HUB, a non-profit organization that works to make cycling an attractive choice for everyone in Metro Vancouver, the competition took place from May 28 to June 3, 2018.
During the week-long event, 497 UBC cyclists on 81 teams covered more than 36,000 kilometres on their commutes (the equivalent of biking across Canada six times). Together they saved 7,800 kg of greenhouse gases from entering the atmosphere.
“Biking to work is a great way to get healthy, active and energized at work, and reduce your carbon footprint” said Charlene Ponto, UBC’s Sustainability Engagement Lead. “The campaign is a fun way to promote sustainable modes of transportation and highlight the collective impacts of individual actions”.

Celebration Station promotes active transportation
To celebrate competition participants and cyclists in general, UBC and HUB hosted the annual Bike to Work Week Celebration Station at Lee Square on May 31, 2018. More than 550 students, faculty, staff, and community members attended the event, which included free bike tune-ups from the Bike Kitchen, bike safety displays from Campus Security, registration with Project 529 anti-bike theft program, and Translink bike rack demos.

Celebration Station attendees pose for a social media contest to win a free Kryptonite U-lock.
The event also featured a first look at UBC's partnership with Dropbike, Canada's first and only hub-based smart bike sharing company. Dropbike is piloting a public bike share program for a year on the UBC Vancouver campus with bikes arriving in late July.
Top 10 UBC Bike to Work Week Teams
Congratulations to the top 10 UBC teams and to all participants.

Spring 2018 Regional Workplace Champions
Once again, UBC wins in Best in Post-Secondary and Best Workplace 1,000+ categories during Bike to Work Week.

Photo Gallery
View more photos from Bike to Work Week in the UBC Sustainability Photo Gallery and on Facebook.