Construction on Lot 6, future home of Wordsworth, at the corner of Ross Drive and Birney Avenue will begin in June 2023 and is expected to be completed in Fall 2025. This page provides an overview of the traffic control that will be in place during construction to minimize impacts to the neighbourhood.
Construction Updates
No Parking signage is up on Birney Avenue. Vehicles parking in the no parking areas will be towed first thing in the morning. Please respect the parking signage to avoid towing.
Wordsworth is a market residential project consisting of a 16-story high-rise located at the north end of the site and 22 three-story townhouse units located at the south end of the site.
Construction Timeline
- Phase 1: Excavation – June to August, 2023
- Phase 2: Foundation to Completion – August 2023 to Fall 2025
As the project progresses, this timeline will be updated and posted on this page.
The following steps will be taken to ensure minimal impact to the neighborhood:
- Truck traffic will not be permitted on Wesbrook Mall through Wesbrook Village or east of the site on local roads. A majority of truck traffic will be from 16th Avenue to Birney Avenue via Ross Drive and back.
- Material staging and trades parking will occur across the street from the project site with access from Ross Drive.
- Chain link fence with screening will be installed for the duration of construction.
- Flaggers will be on site to manage truck access points.
- The Route 68 UBC Accessibility Shuttle will not be impacted.
Traffic Management
Phase 1: Excavation – June to August, 2023
- There will be minimal impact during this initial work. The main impact will be increased truck activity accessing the site to haul out materials.
- A short section of parking will be closed on Birney Avenue from Ross Drive to the construction access to ensure two-way traffic can be accommodated through that section.
- The Route 68 UBC Accessibility Shuttle will not be impacted.

Phase 2: Foundation to Completion – August 2023 to Fall 2025
- There will be no parking along Birney Avenue between Webber Lane and Ross Drive at any time due to crane activity overhead.
- Sidewalks will be closed along Birney Avenue between Webber Lane and Ross Drive during working hours. There will be on-site signage to show the detour route along Scholar’s Greenway.

Manager, Development Services
(604) 822-1586