Wesbrook Mall Upgrades - Phase 2

Updated: April 28, 2020
Wesbrook map
The Wesbrook Mall corridor from 16th Avenue to Chancellor Boulevard was upgraded in phases to repair the condition of the roadway and enhance safety and user experience for all modes of transportation. Improvements were made to street lighting, and new dedicated bus and bike lanes were put in place.


The first phase of the Wesbrook Mall Upgrades was completed in 2019 and the second phase of construction between Thunderbird Boulevard and University Boulevard is now complete. These improvements were informed by two phases of public consultation done in 2015 as part of the planning for the U Boulevard Area.

The improvements to the Wesbrook Mall corridor are being done in collaboration with the University Endowment Lands, the University Neighbourhoods Association, TransLink, and Metro Vancouver. 

Before and after of Wesbrook Mall
Before and after comparison looking south on Wesbrook Mall at the Agronomy Road intersection. Vehicle travel lanes are narrowed to make space for dedicated cycling facilities and channelized right turn at Agronomy Road is replaced with a conventional intersection. 


Before and after images of Wesbrook Mall
Before and after comparison looking north on Wesbrook Mall north of Agronomy Road. Two existing vehicle travel lanes are replaced with one general traffic lane and one bus only lane plus a separated bike facility.



Contact Aviva Savelson, Senior Manager, Public Engagement at aviva.savelson@ubc.ca or 604 822-0273