UBC Community Conversations offer residents a great opportunity to learn about planning and programs in UBC's neighbourhoods.
More than 70 UBC residents and their children took the opportunity to attend the latest Community Conversations event on November 27.
Held at the Old Barn Community Centre, the event provided an informal setting for residents to meet staff from Campus + Community Planning, University Neighbourhoods Association (UNA) and UBC Properties Trust.
During the evening, residents browsed a series of large poster boards that included highlights of the Stadium Neighbourhood planning and consultation process that launched in September. There was also information on how the UNA and UBC work together and key priorities for the two organizations.
Attending her first Community Conversations event, Johanne Blenkin, UNA’s new Executive Director said, “The evening provided a great opportunity to meet residents in a casual atmosphere and discuss some of their questions and concerns.”
Aubrey Kelly, President and CEO of UBC Properties Trust and Michael White, Associate Vice President, UBC Campus + Community Planning were also on hand.
“During the evening I had great discussions with new residents who had questions about future plans and how to get involved” said White.
Boards on display also detailed key priorities for the two organizations and showed upcoming planning projects for parks and greenways such as the UBC Research Park and the South Campus Greenway. They also highlighted popular UTown@UBC initiatives such as the Walk N’ Roll to School program and Community Grants.
We encourage you to review the event posters and look out for the next Community Conversations in Spring 2018.