Every year, more commuters across the region park their cars to join throngs of cyclists for Bike to Work (+ School) Week.
New wayfinding signage for cyclists aims to point out faster routes for travelling across the UBC Vancouver campus.
A colourful mural with an inspiring safety message for cyclists will be painted in the Fraser River Parkade this spring.
Upgrades are underway on this major north–south roadway at UBC, focusing on improvements for pedestrians, cyclists and public transit plus changes for a new 41st Avenue B-Line coming September 2019.
Students at UBC have developed the Tree Canopy Bus Shelter, an interdisciplinary project that combines sustainability and street infrastructure providing shelters that serve ecological functions.
The 2018 fall edition of Bike to Work (+ School) Week could have just as easily been called the rainfall edition, but that didn’t deter hundreds of UBC cyclists from logging the most rides in the region.
Hundreds of UBC cyclists participated in the Spring 2018 edition of Bike to Work Week May 28 to June 3
Why are there no bike lanes on Main Mall or University Boulevard? Because the centre of campus is a Pedestrian Priority Zone, where safety and sharing the space trump speedy travel.
Look back on the history of neighbourhood planning at UBC with Campus and Community Planning.
UBC has a new campus-wide public bike share program. The distinctive white and orange bikes can be picked up and dropped off all over campus, providing a faster way of getting around that’s fun, sustainable and healthy.